Papaoutai In Papaoutai, Stromae expresses the absence of his father by showing a boy who tries to interact with his father. His father, however, sits motionless the whole video which symbolizes Stromae's father's death in the Rwandan genocide. The lyrics tell how Stromae has been looking for his father and questions his responsibility and parenthood. The lyrics also show how Stromae's mother tries to reassure him about his father but Stromae still questions his existence. Ta f ê te Stromae's song Ta fete, mirrors the difficulties in life. The video clip and the lyrics show that if you party too much without doing what you need to do, you will face consequences whether it be from your mom, the court judge, etc. The labyrinth, which is the setting of the video, represents the obstacles that have to be overcome to have a good life. The video portrays harsh punishments for wrongdoings to mirror the day-to-day punishments people get for neglecting their work. Ave Ce...